Civil Defense Directorate 

The beginnings of the work of the civil defense in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan dates back to the era of the emirate, when its work was carried out at that time by civil teams with limited numbers and tasks and working within the municipal staff. 

In 1948, the need arose to find a body concerned with protecting civilians, and then a Civil Defense Authority was formed in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in order to implement the goals of civil defense.

In 1954, civil defense committees were formed in the capital, brigades, districts, and sub-districts to undertake the tasks of civil defense. In 1955, Defense Order No. (1) of 1955 AD was issued, which included amending the formation of civil defense committees.

due to the triple invasion on Egypt in 1956, and based on the late king Hussein bin Talal thoughts (May God rest his soul) that “Man is the most valuable we have”, The Royal Directives were issued to establish the Civil Defense Directorate and therefore, Civil Defense Law No.(12) for 1959 was legislated and replaced the Civil Defense temporary Law No. (35) For 1956. Civil Defense Directorate was part of public security at that time until it was separated  In 1970


In 1978, the Civil Defense Department separated from the Public Security Directorate financially with its own budget. In response to the developments witnessed by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the nineties of the twentieth century, including development and prosperity, Civil Defense Law No. (18) of 1999 AD was issued to replace the Defense Law Civil No. (12) of 1959 AD.

  At the end of 2019, pursuant to the Royal directives to merge the security agencies, the General Directorate of Civil Defense was merged n  the formations of the Public Security Directorate under the name of the Directorate of Civil Defense.

Duties of Civil Defense 

On February 16, 2020, The Royal Decree was issued approving Law No. (14) of 2020, a law amending Public Security Law No. (38) of (1965), which included merging the Gendarmerie Forces Command and the Civil Defense Directorate under the umbrella of Public Security, which specified the duties of Civil Defense as follows:

 Carrying out fire and rescue operations and the resulting ambulance cases, preparing qualified individuals for these operations, educating citizens and training them, providing the necessary vehicles, equipment and means of communication, and preparing studies on civil defense work.

Providing, organizing and supervising means and tools for warning of air strikes and disasters.
Guarantee that public shelters are ready for use.
  Detecting explosives, identifying their areas, marking them to close the area, and contacting the competent authorities to deactivate and remove them.
  Contributing to detecting any chemical or radiation leakage in cooperation with the authorities concerned with treating and avoiding its effects.
  Recommending approval for the establishment of fuel stations, liquefied gas distribution agencies and warehouses in accordance with the prevention and self-protection conditions.
  Determine preventive measures and means of self-protection for the purposes of issuing licenses to manufacture, store, and sell explosives, fireworks, chemicals, hazardous materials, and others.
  Training volunteer teams on civil defense work, from both the public and private sectors, throughout the Kingdom.
  Representing the Kingdom in international, regional, and local organizations and conferences related to public security.
  Evaluate the plans of commercial, industrial, and tourist buildings and facilities that the Greater Amman Municipality and other municipalities must refer to them to ensure that prevention requirements and other means of self-protection from fire dangers are provided in accordance with the specifications established under the legislation in force, and to monitor them after the necessary license is issued.
  Ensuring the availability of prevention requirements, self-protection means, and warning and extinguishing means for   shops and industrial professions.
  Recommendation for approval of licensing professions related to the manufacture, import, sale, installation, maintenance or control of protective and self-protection materials and equipment, in accordance with instructions issued by the Director for this purpose.