
There are cooperation and coordination with Entities and international organizations working in the field of civil protection, in addition to signing agreements with these countries.

Entities and organizations that deal with disaster department:

International Civil Defence Organization ICDO:

The International Civil Defence Organization was established in 1972, and the general directorate of civil defence has joined on 11/2/1978 and started to pay contributions in 1983 that estimated at (21,000) Swiss francs and reselected the General Directorate of Civil Defence in 2000 as a member on Executive council and the number of members of the international Organization of civil Protection (46) member and participate in all regular meetings and regular of the organization and the last meeting (the meeting of the (47) of the Executive Council and the meeting of the (21) of the General Assembly of the Organization), and provide the organization with the names of candidates officers for Organization order in 2014 are:

  1. Col.Ahmed Ibrahim Mohamed AL-Safasfa.
  2. Col. Ali Asmar Kalaf .
  3. Lt.CO- Mohamed Jibril Sulaiman.
  4. Lt.CO- Atah Mofleh Salama Jaradat.

Mr. Vladimir Kovencnov / Russia was selected unanimously as Secretary-General of the International Organization of Civil Protection and Civil Defence for four years for the period 2015-2018 and also was elected Mr. Belkacem Alktrossi / Algeria Deputy Secretary-General of the International Organization of Civil Protection for the period 2016-2019 and the members of the International Organization of Civil Protection and civil defence recognize of the importance of the role of the Jordanian civil defence in the promotion and development of civil defence as a tool to encounter disaster and its role in achieving sustainable development.

  1. The Jordanian Civil Defence is Considered one of the founding members of the International Organization of Civil Protection, it accomplished many activities in Organization work and earned the confidence of members and participants, as a result it has been elected as Director-General of Civil Defence more than once for the presidency of the Executive Council and the General Assembly of the International Organization of Civil Protection.
  2. An understanding memorandum was signed to adopt Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy for Civil Protection as a regional center of the International Organization of Civil Protection.
  3. The ratification of the election of the Jordan, Member of the Executive Council since 2012 and ends its membership of the Executive Council in 2016.
  4. Participation in the Regional meeting for training managers and directors of academies and directors of civil protection and civil defence in the Arab countries, which was held at the Regional Training Center in Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy for Civil Protection in Amman / Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period from 24-26 / 12 / 2014.

Austrian side:

The coordination between the Jordanian Civil Defence and the Austrian to take advantage of the Austrian side's experiences in the field of rescue mountain where it was in 2011 held a specialized course for a number of officers and non-commissioned officers of civil defence about the rescue mountain skills in Austria, which was preceded by experts visit to Jordan.

Rescue mountain course was held in the regions of Wadi Rum, Petra under the supervision of three Austrian experts and involved 16 trainees from the civil defence during the period from 22-26 / 5/2011 and 03/12/2013 had a meeting with the Assistant for planning and Mr. Roland Mueller / security liaison officer in the Austrian embassy and he expressed the willingness of Austria to provide help and assistance to the General Directorate of civil defence to exchange expertise and training in the future based on the requirements of the General Directorate of civil defence.

French side:

The cooperation agreement was signed with the French government in the field of civil protection and civil security on 22/02/2010, training was activated through cooperation with the French Embassy in Amman, where many of the courses were held for civil defence staff by the French, coordination with the French side to complete the specialized courses in fires ships and forest, in addition to dispatch a number of our staff for training in France

The committee was formed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Deputy Director General / Assistant for Operations and Training and the membership of the Director of Operations department and Director of Disaster department and Director of Planning, organization department and Director of the Legal Affairs department, studying operational instructions of the cooperation agreement signed with the French side in the field of protection and security of civilians.

It has held a number of specialized courses to raise the level of competence of the civil defence staff, which included ship fires and forest fires.

European Partnership program EURO-MED:

Following the European Union was found by the initiative of Italy followed by another initiative from Egypt, where it was agreed by the European Union that there would be joint management of the program for Egypt and Italy. This program means to hold courses and exchange of experiences of civil protection in the Mediterranean countries.

The program is funded by the European Commission for the prevention of natural disasters and disasters caused by human activity and preparedness, and response for three years and it will end by March 2012, which includes in its membership (Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Albania and Israel) with a total budget of five million euros .The Director General is a member in the steering committee for the program, which includes civil protection managers in the Mediterranean basin countries member .The director of disaster Department as functional title is considered to be the national coordinator of the program, the third meeting of the Steering Committee for the program dated 14/06/2011 was attended and also the preparatory meeting of the national coordinators on 13/06/2011 AD, which was held in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Sarajevo.

  1. The implementation of the awareness program of the dangers and disasters directed to housewives and children, which included lectures, workshops, and the production of awareness booklets and films and distribution of competitions sheets about the safe house. The program will be extended for the next level.
  2. Within the technical assistance program with the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership program, three officers of the Civil Defence were sent to Sweden to exchange experiences and to learn their experience in the field of accommodation and relief during the period between 26-30 / 9/2011 .
  3. The launch of the second phase of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership program is on September / 2013. This phase will be a practical and dynamic nature and will focus on holding workshops and training sessions, and that phase will last for three years and will be under the auspices of the French administration and funded by the European Union. It includes in its membership a number of countries, including (Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, etc ...).
  4. Numerous courses and workshops have been involved implemented by the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
  5. In cooperation with the support of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership program a session on the Field Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) was held during the period 15-19 / 3/2015 at the Dead Sea / Jordan, in the presence of members of the partners in the program countries and delegates from the General Directorate of Civil Defence of Jordan.

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction ISDR:

It is one of the United Nations organizations working in the field of spreading the culture of the disaster of various kinds, located in Geneva, and its work has begun since the beginning of 2000, where it came to complement the International Decade to reduce the effects of natural disasters (IDNDR), which activities were emerged in the nineties.

Disaster Department is the official focal point with the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction to follow up all programs and activities emanating from the Hyogo Framework for Action, signed by 168 countries during the World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in Kobe - Japan 2005, which calls for a more communities secure and resistant to disasters through a set of principles and policies and government obligations, to strengthen the concepts and procedures of disaster reduction were to attend all meetings and meetings to follow up on the implementation of the Hyogo framework for action by discussing activities Implemented by countries in the field of disaster reduction, where the disaster department prepared questionnaires on Hyogo Framework for Action which identifies the most important activities and achievements made in the field of disaster reduction and disaster Department to update the information . The last meeting (Global Forum for Disaster Reduction), which was held in Geneva / Switzerland during the period from 8-13 / 5/2011, General Director Assistant and an officer of the disaster Department attended. The Disaster Department attended a workshop by Cairo - Egypt on 26/4/2012 on the subject of training and official contact points on the mobilization of the reports of the implementation of the Hyogo framework and its development in the implementation of the Arab strategy for disaster risk reduction.

We participated in the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, which was held in the city of Sendai / Japan during the period from 14-18 / 3/2015 .This conference comes on the occasion of the launch of the framework of Sendai for Disaster Reduction 2015-2030 risks which comes as a continuation of a framework Hughes.  


E-mail fax / phobe number Name
ــــــــ 0021222316650
Arab Office for Civil Protection and Rescue of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers روما
EURO-MED Partnership programme
 (NATO) 4122793433
(ICDO) +41229172529
 ( ISDR )
ــــــــ 41229171234  (OCHA )
icrcgva@icrc-org +41227346001
(ICRC) 003222988888
( MIC ) 390665131
(WFP) 431260050
( IAEA )
tonifrisch@deza 413132232561
(INSARAG ) 4401783785257
Cranfield University  

International Relations, Regional Bodies and Institutions

  • Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers
  • Arab Civil Protection and Rescue Office
  • International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO)
  • Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme (EURO-MED)
  • International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) / United Nations
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNSCO)

Relations with local bodies and institutions

  • The Supreme Council for Civil Defense / Ministry of Interior
  • The National Center for Security and Crisis Management
  • The Jordanian Seismic Monitoring Center
  • The Jordanian Nuclear Energy Commission and the Radioactivity Regulatory Commission
  • The National Commission for Mine Clearance and Rehabilitation
  • The Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization.
  • The Jordanian Red Crescent.
  • The Jordanian Environment Society.
  • The Royal Geographic Center.
  • The Radioactivity Regulatory Commission.
  • The Royal Scientific Society.