
There are coordination and cooperation between the Jordanian Civil Defense  and the Civil Protection in Arab countries through signing bilateral agreements in the field of civil protection, training and relief which make it obligatory to attend meetings , workshops and participate in courses that held in these countries.

The Bodies and organizations that disaster management deals with it:

Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC).

The Council was established during the third conference of Arab interior ministers, which was held in Taif city in 1980, the ratification of its statute and was under the Arab League Council resolution No. (2124) dated 23/09/1982 is Ministerial Council within the scope of the Arab League and aims to develop and aims to increase cooperation and coordination efforts of the Arab countries in terms security and civil protection the conical was held annual meeting.

  1. Arab office to fight crime
  2. Arab bureau criminal police
  3. Arab office for drugs
  4. Arab office for the civil protection and rescue
  5. Arab Bureau of security media.

It holds several meetings of the Arab Interior Ministers Council and most important:

1. Meetings of the General Secretariat of the Arab Interior Ministers Council, which is held at the beginning of each year, has been attending meetings of the session (32) of the Council, this meeting to make decisions and recommendations of the General Secretariat meeting of Arab Interior Ministers Council, which will be held at the beginning of 2016.With regard to the Arab strategy to reduce disaster risk.

2. The secretariat secret meeting which are held once every two years to civil protection heads and civil defense, which are part of the Arab Office for Civil Protection and Rescue meetings which "the fifteenth Conference" will be held mid-year 2015 and will discuss the emerging disaster risks.

Arab Office for Civil Protection and Rescue:

It was established by the Arab Interior Ministers Council in 1984 and centered in Rabat / Morocco City, Mr. Mohamed Benzian, is the head of the office whose role is to hold the Arab meetings of Civil Protection as part of the program of work of the General Secretariat of Arab Interior Ministers Council, and the office shall have the following tasks:

1. Secure and develop cooperation between Member States in the fields of protection.

2. Aid requested by the Member States in order to strengthen and develop the civil protection and rescue and the prevention of natural disasters and man-made and address the resulting damage to the removal or mitigation.

3. General Directorate of Civil defense is involved in the presence of all the special meetings of the Arab Office for Civil Protection and Rescue.

4. The disaster management to respond to all correspondence and questionnaires received from the Arab Office for Civil Protection and Rescue.

5. Follow-up coordination with the Arab Bureau about the importance of the implementation of joint exercises of the dangers facing the Arab countries.

6. Participate regularly in the awareness and educational competitions related to civil protection- Civil defence, which was accomplished Arab Interior Ministers Council in every two years, has been getting first place in the year 2011 on the subject of prevention of house fires and are participating maritime routes contest for the year 2013.