Department Duties

  1.  Prepare studies and researches about natural and man-made disasters and documenting the information, identify ways of prevention, and the work style in coordination with the Operations Department to face disasters in Jordan in cooperation with relevant bodies in and outside Jordan.

  2.  Inform the Supreme higher Council of Civil Defense  on how to deal with disasters and its developments and to have the important issues on its agenda in its meetings.

  3.  Carry out the permanent coordination and cooperation with all public and private bodies locally and internationally on all matters related to the disaster management response and relieve effects.

  4.  Conducting readiness exercises to deal with disasters in coordination with the Department of Operations with the participation of civil defense  committees in the administrative formations.

  5.  Make recommendations for the Director General to recommend them to His Excellency the President of the Supreme Council of Civil defense  regarding the fulfillment of all requirements of the disaster within the powers of his Excellency.

  6.  The technical Supervision on the readiness of the hazardous materials teams and the research and rescue team.

  7. To participate in the preparation of national plans for disaster management and emergency situations.

  8.  Coordination with the Supreme Council of Civil defense  and its committees to select the collective accommodation sites and the mechanism of processing and following-up performance.

  9.  Participating with the Training Department in the development of disaster training programs for emergency teams.

  10. Coordination with the Crisis Management Center of the Armed Forces on joint plans to address emergency conditions during disasters and to identify the roles and responsibilities of each side of them

  11.  Collect the disaster information and to disseminate that information to formal and informal institutions in collaboration with the Public Relations Department at the General Directorate of Civil defense.

  12. Preparation and follow-up of bilateral and multilateral international conventions for the civil protection of parties in the area of cooperation in disaster and activation of these agreements.