
  • Taking all measures and means to ensure the achievement of the vision, mission and objectives of the Civil Defense Directorate with regard to firefighting and rescue affairs:

    Conducting the necessary studies to keep pace with the development and modernization of firefighting, rescue and water rescue vehicles and equipment to provide the field with everything new and useful.

    Reviewing procedures in major incidents.

    Evaluating exercises implemented by field directorates.

    Participating in preparing the training plan for firefighting, rescue and water rescue personnel in coordination with the Training Division.

    Participating in committees to prepare, update and develop technical specifications for firefighting, rescue and water rescue equipment and attending presentations by companies specialized in firefighting and rescue.


  • Following up on matters related to civil defense personnel of the firefighting and rescue categories, their work sites and movements, maintaining the budget for the existing and the directorate's need for both categories, and the progress of their recruitment process with the relevant departments.


  • Follow up on all administrative and operational aspects and the progress of the training process for specialized firefighting teams and search and rescue teams in all regions and provide them with vehicles, equipment and supplies in coordination with the relevant directorates and departments.


  • Ensure the continued readiness of firefighting and rescue vehicles in all civil defense sites and in coordination with the relevant directorates and departments.


  • Contribute to following up the implementation of media awareness programs directed to citizens and continue to provide them with all new in firefighting and rescue sciences and achievements made in this field.


  • Participate in preparing programs and curricula for various internal firefighting and rescue courses and courses held for other entities from the public and private sectors and follow up on their implementation and provide training supplies and means in coordination with the relevant departments.


  • Participate and supervise the evaluation and examination of firefighters and rescuers (grade and promotion) in coordination with the relevant departments.


  • Any other duties assigned to the department.