Mechanism for regulating liquefied petroleum gas storage warehouse transactions
- A technical committee is formed by the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority with membership of the Civil Defense and other parties to study requests to establish a liquefied petroleum gas cylinder warehouse according to the instructions issued by it. The request to establish a liquefied petroleum gas cylinder warehouse is submitted to the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority.
- Sensory inspection is performed by members of the technical committee to provide or withhold approval.
- In the event that the results of the inspection are positive, approval will be unanimously made and the relevant party will be informed of the approval to establish a warehouse for transporting and storing liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, provided that security and regulatory approvals are obtained.
- After obtaining the necessary approvals and submitting them to the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority, the concerned party will be informed in a written letter of the initial approval of the proposed location to establish a warehouse for transporting and storing liquefied petroleum gas cylinders. Several documents are requested, including the preparation of engineering schemes to be studied and approved by the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority and the Civil Defense Directorate.
- When the Directorate of Civil Defense is visited to study the engineering schemes by the stakeholders, a letter is brought by the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority and the stakeholders and its content is the authority’s approval of the engineering schemes for the warehouse, provided that the study of the scheme is completed by the Directorate of Civil Defense and the regulatory authorities, and the schemes are studied and fees are paid.
- Upon completion of the construction of the model gas warehouse, the concerned party shall visit the Energy and Minerals Sector Regulatory Authority to request providing a certificate of completion of the work of the liquefied petroleum gas cylinder warehouse, and in some cases, the regulatory authorities shall request to provide approval for the warehouse license.
- The Prevention and Self-Protection Department is contacted by the regulatory authorities with a request to express recommendations on approving the providing of a license to the gas warehouse, according to the conduct of the statements and the receipt of the regulations.
- If the conditions are not met, the concerned party will be provided with a copy of the inspection report to make the required corrections.
- If the conditions are met, the Civil Defense Directorate’s services allowance will be paid to receive prevention and self-protection requirements and provide approval for the required license to the authority concerned with licensing.
- A physical inspection of the model gas warehouse is carried out by the Energy and Minerals Sector Regulatory Authority, and a letter is sent to the concerned parties approving the completion of the work of the liquefied petroleum gas cylinder warehouse, provided that several documents are brought, including the Civil Defense Directorate’s approval of the public safety requirements inside the warehouse. The letter is returned to the Prevention and Self-protection Department and directed to the relevant directorate to conduct a physical inspection of the warehouse in accordance with the conduct of inspections.
- The Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority provides the warehouse a license to practice the activity of storing liquefied petroleum gas cylinders.
Renewing the license of typical gas warehouses:
- A request to renew a license for typical gas warehouses is sent by the licensing authority to the Civil Defense Directorate for recommendations.
- The license renewal request is sent to the Civil Defense Bureau, and the Bureau addresses the Prevention and Self-Protection Department for recommendations on the submitted request.
- The Gas and Hydrocarbons section of the Prevention and Self-Protection Department addresses the relevant directorate under whose jurisdiction the model gas warehouse falls, to conduct a physical inspection of the model warehouse.
- If the conditions are not met, the concerned party will be provided with a copy of the disclosure form to make the required corrections.
- If the conditions are met, the inspection officer fills out a typical gas warehouse information form, and the Prevention and Self-Protection Department is addressed by the relevant directorate to approve the completion of the procedures for renewing the license for the liquefied petroleum gas cylinder warehouse. The Civil Defense Bureau is contacted by the Prevention and Self-Protection Department to address the entity with the license agreeing to complete the procedures for renewing the license for the warehouse as it meets the prevention and self-protection requirements.