Certificate of fulfilling the requirements for prevention and self-protection (insurance)
An application for obtaining a certificate is submitted by insurance companies or by stakeholders to the Department of Prevention or its divisions in the governorates, where this process is carried out in one of the following ways:
- Sending a letter from one of the insurance companies to the department.
- Sending a letter by the company or institution to the department or sections.
- Personal review of the stakeholders of the department or sections.
- Send the request by e-mail or fax to the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection, and then send it to the department concerned with the governorate.
- If the transaction is received by the Prevention Department, the transaction is sent to the departments in the governorates by e-mail or fax, and the date of sending is confirmed.
In the event that the requirements of prevention and self-protection are implemented:
- A disclosure report is written indicating the date of the disclosure and the details of the building, company or institution, as well as the requirements that are provided.
- In the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection, a certificate of fulfilling the requirements of prevention and self-protection is written and certified by the Head of the Follow-up and Audit Division and the Director of the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection and stamped with the seal of the Department.
- The original copy of the colored certificate can be given to the concerned person upon request by the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection in return for a signature on its receipt indicating the full name of the recipient and the date of receipt.
In the event that the requirements for prevention and self-protection are not implemented:
- A disclosure report is written indicating the date of the disclosure and the details of the building, company or institution, as well as recommendations for implementing the requirements of prevention and self-protection that must be provided.
- After reviewing the stakeholders and implementing the recommendations, another report is written.
- In the event that an examination was carried out on the facility and this examination did not exceed two months from the request for a certificate of fulfilling the requirements of prevention and self-protection, and the preventive requirements were available, there is no need to disclose again and the approval of the certificate is granted based on the previous report, which was not more than two months old.