Civil Defense 

approving the licensing of gas agencies and its warehouses 


  • The owners of the facility with all its occupations


  • Department of Prevention and Self-Protection and its External Sections


  • Submit the required documents


  • Initial approval letter for the gas station site
  • approval for the design schemes 
  • Gas completion official letter 


  • The concerned person shall refer to the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Authority to submit a request to establish a gas station.
  • The Energy Authority shall conduct a sensory inspection within a technical committee composed of representatives of the following departments (Ministry of Local Administration, Directorate of Civil Defense) so that the inspection is carried out by the committee on the proposed site to indicate whether The site was suitable for a gas depot
  • The Civil Defense Bureau is addressed by the Ministry of Local Administration in some cases for recommendations  on the location of the gas station, and the official letter is transferred to the Prevention Department, as it is sent to the concerned directorate so that a sensory examination is carried out by the Prevention Department in the concerned directorate after coordination with the concerned person and addressing the Prevention Department With or without approval, and the Civil Defense Bureau is addressed by the Prevention Department, and then the Ministry of Local Administration is addressed through the Civil Defense Bureau with approval or not.
  • Upon getting the initial approval by the committee, the Energy Authority issues a letter approving the proposed location of the warehouse and requests the person concerned to bring some documents and design the engineering schemes for the warehouse according to a letter, and sends a copy of the official letter to the Civil Defense Bureau, and then it is transferred to the Prevention Department. The person concerned designs the engineering schemes for the warehouse and submits them to the Energy Authority, which in turn approves the schemes and issues a letter to that effect, and requests that the approval and seal of the Civil Defense, the Engineers Association, the Municipality of Amman or the concerned municipality be brought to the plan and sends a copy of the letter to the Civil Defense Bureau, and then it is transferred to the Prevention Department.
  • The engineering schemes are studied by the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection, and upon approval, the fees prescribed for studying the schemes are collected if they are within the competence of the municipalities, or electronic approval is given for the warehouse within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Amman on the system of engineering schemes in force in the Prevention Department.
  • Upon completion of the construction of the gas station, an application for granting permission to operate the station is submitted by the relevant Ministry of Local Administration and referred to the Civil Defense for an opinion. A sensory examination is carried out on the location by the competent prevention department in the concerned directorate.
  • The Energy Authority conducts a final sensory inspection of the warehouse to issue a certificate of completion of work. This certificate requires several approvals, including the approval of the Directorate of Civil Defense on the requirements of public safety in the warehouse. A copy of this official letter is sent to the Civil Defense Bureau and then to the Prevention Department, and then to the prevention department in the concerned directorate to conduct a sensory examination of the warehouse for recommendation on the approval of operating the warehouse according to a checklist prepared previously to receive the gas warehouse, so that in the event of approval.
  • The Energy Authority issues an operating license for the warehouse, valid for 3 years. A new file for the warehouse is opened according to the serial number of the gas warehouses by the Prevention Department. The concerned directorate is addressed with the file number for the warehouse. All documents and correspondences are kept in the file. The warehouse is included in the early warning system by the Prevention Department.


  •  Ministry of Local Administration / Energy Sector Regulatory Authority
  • The role of the partner: recommending  on the warehouse location / initial approvals


  • According to the amended system for the collection of services allowance system according to a law amending Public Security Law No. (14) of 2020

Time expected

  • From 6 months to a year.

contact channels 

Directorate of Civil Defense - Department of Prevention and Self-Protection Amman / Abdali / Abdali Street Tel (065661111) / Ext. (4463) / Fax (065658067) Email. (

service submission time 

(Sunday - Thursday) from (8:00 am - 2:45 pm).