Capital Rescue Police Directorate

  • In 1967, the Rescue Police Department was established in the former Capital Governorate Police Department, with seven Ford vehicles.

  • In the year 1995, an assistant position was created for the Capital Governorate Police Directorate for Rescue Affairs.

  • On 10/2/1999, the Emergency Unit and the Rescue Police were created and seperated from the Capital Police Directorate. On 11/6/2001, it was decided to separate the Rescue Police from the Emergency Police and re-connect it with the Capital Police under the name of Assistant for Rescue.

  • On September 15, 2005, the Rescue Division was renamed to the Central Amman Rescue Division, which is affiliated to the Central Amman Police Directorate and which is affiliated to the Capital Region Security Command.

  • In 2015, the Police Rescue Directorate was created to be the mother unit of the emergency departments in the police directorates.

  • On 7/17/2015, it was decided to replace the Rescue Directorate with the Rescue Division of the Capital Region, within the AOR of the Capital Region Security Command, and the rest of the Rescue Departments in the regions were returned to the Police Directorates.

  • On May 19, 2017, the Capital Police Department was created and is affiliated to the Capital Region Security Command.

The Directorate includes four sections :
  • Rescue department in central Amman.


  • Rescue department in north of Amman.


  • Rescue Department in south of Amman.


  • East Amman Rescue Department.

Among the duties of the rescue police directorate is keeping the prestige of the state in AORs through the patrols of all kinds deployed in the field and choosing the locations of check and inspection points

The rescue patrols is as mobile police stations and distinguished in the speed of access to the locations and situations to be dealt with,