Public Security Directorate announced the start of implementing the  security plan with the Eid al-Adha period.

 The plan included three security, traffic and environment dimensions, with the aim of maintaining security and public order, providing an appropriate environment citizens during the days of Eid, and controlling traffic and environmental violations.

Security deployment will be intensified, and automated and foot patrols will be deployed and distributed within residential neighborhoods and populated areas, markets and places of entertainment To maintain security and public order and to follow up on any reports or complaints.

Traffic departments are implementing a traffic plan that aims to reduce traffic jam and control traffic violations calling on drivers to fully abide by traffic rules and avoid committing violations and wrong traffic practices.

 As for the environmental dimension, the Royal Department for Environment and Tourism Protection, in coordination with the concerned authorities, will carry out tours and campaigns on markets, shops and public gathering places for the purpose of preserving environmental and health aspects, in addition to intensifying its work in forest areas

The Directorate of Civil Defense also is in  the emergency plan for the Eid al-Adha holiday, by intensifying field tours by the Department of Prevention and Self-Protection at all facilities, commercial markets, playhouses and other various facilities, which are frequented by citizens during the Eid holiday.