19 / 5 / 2024 

  Among of the cases security operation in the Jabal Al-Taj area in the capital, during which eight dealers were arrested in possession of narcotic substances prepared for sale.

** In another case, a father and three of his sons were arrested for trafficking and promoting drugs in the capital, and 28 palm-sized sheets of hashish and 6,000 narcotic pills were found in their possession.

PSD spokesman said that during the past few days, AND personnel dealt with nine cases and specific security operations in various regions of the Kingdom, during which 26 drug dealers and promoters were arrested.

The spokesman confirmed that the most prominent of these cases was a security operation carried out in the center of the capital / Jabal Al-Taj, as the raids led to the arrest of 8 drug dealers and suspects in drug cases and the seizure of quantities of narcotic substances intended for sale and promotion.

Also in the capital, after extensive monitoring, investigation, and gathering of information, a father and three of his sons were raided and arrested. They were involved in promoting and selling drugs in the capital. 28 palm-sized sheets of hashish, 6,000 narcotic pills, a quantity of cocaine and crystal narcotics, and a firearm were seized from their home, as was the case. In the center of the capital, two dealers were raided and arrested in possession of 20 palm-sized sheets of hashish and 2,000 narcotic pills.

In Mafraq Governorate, three specific cases were dealt with. In the first case, two drug dealers were arrested, and 20 palm-sized sheets of hashish, 1,000 narcotic pills, 60 grams of crystal, and a firearm were found in their possession. In the second case, a drug dealer and another person who was helping him to promote and sell drugs were arrested. 10,000 narcotic pills were seized from their possession. In the latest case, a person of Arab nationality who was a drug dealer was arrested he was raided inside one of the vehicles while he was transporting and selling narcotic substances, and 21 palm-sized sheets of hashish were seized in his possession.

In the areas of Western Balqa, a security operation was carried out on four locations used to grow narcotic marijuana seedlings. Two suspects were arrested during the raids, while quantities of narcotic marijuana seedlings were seized. The search is still ongoing for two other people who were involved in these cases.

In Balqa Governorate, after long observation that extended for weeks and setting up the necessary ambushes, two dangerous drug dealers were arrested, and 36 palm-sized sheets of hashish and a quantity of narcotic marijuana were found in their possession. They also raided in Irbid Governorate one of the apartments used by dealers to store and sell narcotic substances, as 3 drug-dealers were arrested  and 2,500 narcotic pills, 3 marijuana sticks, and a firearm were seized inside the apartment.

All cases were referred to the Public Prosecutor of the State Security Court.