4 / 5 / 2024 

among these cases and operation , 34 wanted persons, drug dealers  were arrested including those classified as dangerous.

PSD spokesman said that the Anti-Narcotics Department continued the efforts to deal with all forms of narcotic drugs, including trafficking, smuggling, and promotion. During the past few days, a number of specific cases and security operations were dealt with in a number of governorates and regions of the Kingdom during which 34 wanted persons were arrested.

The spokesman confirmed that the most prominent of these operations were in the areas west of Irbid, where the places of a number of wanted persons and drug traffickers were raided as the campaign led to the arrest of 9 of them, in various places, and quantities of Joker and Joker powder, quantities of narcotic pills, and two firearms were seized from their possession.

A  security campaign was carried out in Irbid Governorate, during which 5 drug dealers were arrested in different places and times, one of whom was classified as dangerous, and 10,000 narcotic pills were found in the possession of one of them, and various quantities of narcotic substances were in the possession of the rest. In Northern Desert, a wide campaign was implemented against drug dealers during which five drug-dealers were arrested in possession of a total of (1 kg of Joker, half a kg of crystal, an amount of narcotic hashish, and pictures of currencies for counterfeiting purposes).

A security operation was carried out in Aqaba Governorate, during which the sites of a number of drug dealers were raided, 4 of them were arrested, and various quantities of narcotic substances were seized.

Among the specific cases that were dealt with, in Karak Governorate, a wanted drug dealer who was classified as dangerous was raided after his whereabouts were determined and he was arrested. 30,000 narcotic pills, 8 palm-sized sheets of hashish, and four firearms were seized in his possession, while in the second case, a drug dealer considered one of the most dangerous drug dealers in the Central Badia regions was arrested.

In the Ramtha District, another case was dealt with, during which two people smuggling crystal across the border were arrested after following and monitoring their movements for days, and 1 kg of the narcotic and deadly crystal substance was found in their possession. in Mafraq Governorate, two drug dealers were arrested while they were transporting a quantity of narcotic pills in one of the vehicles, and 8,000 narcotic pills were found in their possession.

In Ma'an Governorate, two drug dealers were arrested and 12 palm-sized sheets of hashish were found in their possession, while in Irbid Governorate, two drug dealers were arrested and 10,000 narcotic pills and a quantity of deadly crystal were found in their possession. In the latest case, a security force raided a suspicious house  located in west of Balqa Governorate. The owner used his house to growNarcotic marijuana seedlings, as he was arrested and quantities of marijuana seedlings were seized inside the house.

The cases and all arrested persons were referred to the Public Prosecutor of the State Security Court.