27 / 6 / 2024 

Electronic fraud occurs as a result of the promise of prizes, or a large financial reward for a small effort, or offering goods at prices lower than their value.

** The unit warns against the danger of sharing personal information and data with fraudulent entities and fake websites and pages.

CID Anti- Cybercrime Unitwarned against the danger of sharing the verification code received by text messages, regardless of the reasons, with others during the execution of any electronic transaction.

The head of the Cybercrime Unit, Lieutenant Colonel Mahmoud Al-Mughayrah, stressed that the code for electronic wallets is the property of the person who owns the wallet, and should not be shared with any person or unofficial entity, no matter what guarantees this entity provides.

Lieutenant Colonel Al-Mughayrah explained that the electronic fraudster may use the method of fraud to fall the victim by directing some questions to the victim related to the nature of his work, and about the availability of an electronic wallet with the victim so that the financial rewards can be transferred to that wallet, after which the perpetrator requests the account confirmation code and asks him to return the number to him, and there the victim falls victim to fraud.

During his speech on the "Between the Lines" program broadcast on the Public Security Radio and its official page, Lieutenant Colonel Al-Mughayrah indicated that the anti-Cybercrime Unit has a partnership with the Central Bank of Jordan to warn citizens against sharing personal or financial information, in addition to tracking fraud cases through the Internet and identifying the identity of the Internet user and tracking the movement of money and its beneficiary.

Al-Mughayrah explained that electronic fraud is represented by seizing movable or immovable funds through the Internet, electronic wallets or bank accounts, which is called fraud through information technology, Indicating that the Anti-Cybercrime Unit monitors the criminal methods of electronic fraud and warns against them by raising awareness of the danger of this crime and how to avoid falling victim to this crime.

Al-Mughayrah stressed that some people fall victim to electronic fraud due to greed and temptations provided by the perpetrator through fake pages of institutions or individuals by deceiving the victim for obtaining money or jobs at the lowest costs and effort, or obtaining certain goods at prices that are much lower than their prices in the market.