19 / 6 / 2024 

The unit dealt with complaints about accounts hacking, photos and video stored on mobile phones, after downloading untrusted applications, and their owners were subsequently blackmailed

Fraudulent applications use attractive names such as: (Adhkar application, Al-Aqsa platform application) and immediately after downloading them, they steal accounts and grant access to photos and data and blackmail their owners to pay sums of money

PSD spokesman said that the Anti Cybercrime Unit has dealt with a number of hacking and electronic blackmail cases in various forms over the past few days.

These complaints included downloading applications online and outside the official stores (Google Play, Apple Store) to be designed specifically to control accounts, steal data and photos and blackmail account owners to restore the accounts and not publish the photos in exchange for sums of money.

The spokesman confirmed that these applications use names that attract victims such as (Adhkar, Al-Aqsa Platform, etc.), calling on everyone not to download and install any unknown and unreliable programs and applications from unsafe websites and pages on the Internet, which ask the victim for permission to access his personal information, photos and video clips, which exposes him to electronic blackmail. Here, the Anti Cybercrime Unit calls on all citizens and residents to not download programs or applications except through official stores and websites, and not to respond to those who send links to download these applications or programs, and to verify the permissions granted to the applications and programs before downloading them, and in the event that they are exposed to such types of cases, they must report a case to the Anti-Cybercrime Unit immediately.