PSD spokesman  said that information received yesterday evening to Ramtha Brigade Police Directorate by a woman of Arab nationality that her ex-husband, who suffers from mental illness in Ramtha Brigade, abused and beat her four sons continuously, and that she feared for their lives.

PSD spokesman added that  a police force dispatched the location  and arrested that person, by searching for his four sons, it is found only two of them inside the house (a juvenile and a girl), and by listening to their statements, they confirmed that their father had beaten them constantly and that during the previous days he had killed their two sisters (9, 12 years- old ), after beating them violently with a tool (a stick) and bury them. By investigating with that person, he admitted that ten days ago he beat one of his daughters with a stick, which led to her death and buried her. Days later, he beat the other, who also died as a result of the beating.

 PSD spkesman confirmed that the public prosecutor and the forensic doctor were immediately notified, and the bodies of the two girls were taken out and transferred to the forensic medicine, while the other two children were sent to the hospital for detection and follow-up of their health and psychological condition, and the investigation is still ongoing.