19 / 6 / 2024 

A gas leak in closed room led to comprehensive flash and cracking in some of the building's windows.

PSD spokesman said that specialized firefighting teams in the East Amman Civil Defense Directorate responded to a report stating that there was a gas leak from a gas cylinder inside one of the residential apartments in the Al-Muqablin area.

The spokesman added that upon arrival at the incident site, the specialized civil defense crews found that the leak led to a comprehensive flash and cracking in a closed room, which resulted in a person suffering various burns to the body, the collapse and cracking of some of the building's windows, and minor damage to four vehicles parked next to the building.

In turn, the specialized Civil Defense teams worked to take appropriate operational measures and provide the necessary first aid to the injured person, and transfer him to Al-Bashir Governmental Hospital to complete the rest of the necessary medical procedures for him.