13 / 6 / 2024 

Extinguishing fires of dry grass, agricultural crops, forest and fruit trees in the governorates of Balqa, Jerash, Ajloun and the capital.

Great efforts were made by firefighting teams in light of the high temperatures, and the Civil Defense warns.

Specialized firefighting cadres in the Civil Defense Directorates dealt with a number of incidents in different areas of the Kingdom.

The firefighting teams dealt with fires in the governorates of Jerash, Ajloun, Balqa and the capital Amman, which destroyed large areas of dry grass, agricultural crops, forest and fruit trees.

The firefighting teams made strenuous efforts in extinguishing and controlling the fires, due to the high temperatures and the inability of Civil Defense vehicles to reach the ruggedness of some of the burned areas, while these fires did not result in any casualties.

Public Security Directorate warned against wrong practices that lead to such incidents, stressing the need to avoid fires near grass, not leaving sources of ignition in the hands of children, ensuring that fires are extinguished properly, and avoiding throwing cigarette in or near dry grass.