PSD spokesman said that Criminal Investigation Department was able to identify the perpetrator of the crime of robbery in one of the change cash shops a few days ago in the Bayader area, south of the capital, and he was arrested.

In the details, a report was received by the Criminal Investigation Department several days ago that an unknown and masked person entered an change cash shop in the Bayader area and stole an amount of two thousand dinars under threat with a firearm in his possession and fled.

the spokesman stated that since the moment the communication was received, the location was dispatched and all details and information were collected from the crime scene, and a special investigation team followed up the investigation of the case.

The spokesman confirmed that the investigation team's efforts, follow-up and collection of information over the days enabled them to identify the perpetrator of the crime of armed robbery, locate and raid him, and then arrest him. During investigations, the suspect confessed to planning the crime using a plastic pistol. The case is still being investigated.

It is noteworthy that the crime of armed robbery falls within the scope the State Security Court, and the penalty for this crime is up to 15 years in prison.