This kind of fraud case can be avoided simply by referring to the law and asking the accident representative to make the sketch scheme

PSD spokesman said that Criminal Investigation Department arrested a suspicious person who was accused of committing fraud cases by fabricating traffic accidents in different areas of the capital, Amman.

The spokesman confirmed that the department's teams followed up a number of complaints received and some of what was published on social media by people who fell victims to this type of fraud, which is summarized by the fraudster fabricating a simple accident and requesting sums of money from the driver of the other vehicle in exchange for not issuing the sketch scheme of the accident.

The spokesman confirmed that, as a result of the investigations and follow-up of the criminal method, the suspect in committing these cases was identified and arrested. During the investigation, he admitted to committing (7) fraudulent cases in this way during the past weeks, in partnership with another person, and investigations are ongoing.