16 / 5 / 2024 

The Department of Family and Juvenile Protection in the Public Security Directorate launched the “My Family is My Support” campaign in conjunction with International Family Day, as one of the programs necessary to inform individuals of their rights, and to educate families on how to properly deal with various problems that the family or one of its members may face, using sound guidance methods.

The campaign comes within the framework of the Public Security Directorate’s continuing efforts to provide care for the family and protect its members by spreading a community security culture aimed at immunizing individuals. This campaign is implemented by the Family Protection Department in cooperation with the Directorate of Mass Media and Community Policing.

The Assistant Director of Public Security for Judiciary, on Public Security Radio, said that His Majesty King Abdullah II, since His Majesty assumed his constitutional powers, has paid great attention to the family and its role in building society, so the Family Protection Department was one of the first departments established in the Public Security Directorate during the reign of His Majesty

The assistant director added that foreign customs and behaviors, and the spread of various means of communication and applications, have become major challenges to family stability, and hence it was necessary for us to use our tools and knowledge to keep pace with these challenges, through a system in which legislation and procedures are integrated, as well as community and media awareness to spread the culture in how to deal with each other.

The campaign includes a series of awareness-raising visits to schools and universities, including lectures and theatrical performances, in addition to a number of print, audio and visual media materials that carry educational messages, in addition to a number of community and media activities during the coming weeks.