Today, the Department of Family and Juvenile Protection, in cooperation with the International Organization for Penal Reform, organized a national conference entitled "Protecting the rights of children / girls during judicial procedures" in cooperation with the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives.

The organizing of this conference comes with the participation of a number of government agencies and civil society institutions, within the framework of the joint efforts between the Public Security Directorate and the International Criminal Reform Organization, in a manner that guarantees the preservation of the family and the achievement of the best interest of the child within a pattern based on social constants and the rule of law, to protect the rights of girls and boys during legal procedures. .

The conference, which was attended by the police Commander of the Capital Region, Brigadier General Dr. Ali Al-Zoubi, the Canadian Ambassador to Amman Tariq Khan, the Regional Director of the International Organization for Penal Reform, Taghreed Jabr, and a number of public security officers, included speeches and discussion sessions in which a number of participants spoke about the legal and humanitarian foundations necessary to protect children's rights and to ensure that appropriate solutions are developed to the problems and dangers that surround them in order to preserve their rights and provide them with comprehensive protection.