30 / 5 / 2024 

The museum opens its doors to visitors from 10 am to 10 pm throughout the week except Tuesday

Public Security Directorate opened its museum in Aqaba today, Thursday, which coincides with the Kingdom's celebrations of independence and the silver jubilee of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces.

The opening of the Public Security Museum in Aqaba was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Nayef Hamidi Al-Fayez, the Director of Public Security, Major General Dr. AbeidAllah Maaitah, and a number of senior Public Security officers and officials in Aqaba Governorate.

The museum documents the history of Jordanian Public Security, its origins and development through historical documents, photos and artifacts that indicate the stages and times that the Security Directorate has gone through since 1921 until today.

Major General Al-Maaitah stressed during the opening ceremony that the museum represents a national heritage for all Jordanians and all the country's institutions, and emulates the Hashemites' care for the armed forces and security agencies, and the relationship that brought these agencies and institutions together with the Jordanian people and society.

Major General Al-Maaitah indicated to the symbolism of the museum's presence in the city of Aqaba, which welcomed the vanguard of the Great Arab Revolt with its hopes and values, the military history of the city and the region, and what it has reached today as an economic gateway and tourist destination to the Kingdom.

For his part, Al-Fayez stressed the pride of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority in the city's historical heritage and the meeting of the present and history in it, adding that  the addition of the museum to the map of the Renaissance Triangle sites (Aqaba, Wadi Rum, and the palace of the founding king in Ma'an), which contributes to enriching the tourist and cultural experience of the place and reflects the identity and history of the Jordanian state.


Al-Fayez indicated to the importance of highlighting the historical dimensions in partnership with the national military and security institutions, whose history and antiquity we are proud of, and we are proud of what they have reached today in terms of local and international reputation thanks to the wise Hashemite patronage.


The attendees was briefed by the Director of the Mass Media and Community Policing Directorate, during which he explained the most prominent holdings of the museum, and the various facilities and exhibits it included.

The museum was established within a historic building of the Public Security Directorate, which began to be used in the 1930s as a police station known as the Northern Aqaba Police Station, and was transformed in the 1990s into a reform and rehabilitation center, until 2002, when it was out of service until the Public Security Directorate decided to use it as a museum that tells the history of public security.