The first phase will provide twelve electronic services, most notably the renewal of the license of private vehicles, the reservation and de-reservation of a vehicle, the request for the status of the vehicle registration  and the issuance of driving licenses to replace lost and damaged ones, and others.

Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, launched the electronic services project, in the presence of the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmed Hanandeh and the representative of Public Security Director, the Assistant to Administration and Logistics Support Brig. Dr. Moatasem Abu Shttal.

Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship stated that the Public Security Directorate is an example for all state institutions in their constant keenness to upgrade and develop their services provided to citizens and residents, especially with regard to electronic service transformation that allows service recipients to receive  the best services with the least effort and time possible.

Al-Hanandeh indicated  that the launch of this project today as part of the e-government and e-transformation program and in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship is the best example of moving forward in implementing this national project, which aims to expand electronic service in all state institutions, enabling citizens to access services .

Al Hanandeh stressed the continuation of cooperation with the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department in order to complete all stages of digital transformation within the department, which is expected to be completed before the middle of next year, so that all licensing services are available to citizens online.

For his part, the Assistant Director of Public Security for Administration and Logistic Support, Brig. Dr. Moatasem Abu Shttal, confirmed that the launch of this project comes under the Royal  directives and within the framework of the development and modernization system carried out by the Public Security Directorate in its various departments and units that provide security services to citizens and residents.

Brig. General Abu Shatal thanked the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship for its continuous cooperation and keenness to support all government institutions; To achieve electronic digital transformation in a way that advances the modernization and development of the services provided, stressing that Public Security Directorate has worked to overcome all difficulties, in order to successfully launch this electronic portal for drivers and vehicles licensing department  in coordination with all partners, to keep pace with the rapid development in the technological development , so that its benefits are reflected in the level of services to everyone who resides on homeland.

The Director of the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department, Brig. Eng. Rami Al-Dabbas, the stages of the project, which includes providing 42 electronic services for vehicles and drivers in three phases.