Public Security Directorate stressed the need to followe the right behavior during the heat wave that is expected to witness the Kingdom, starting tomorrow, Friday, according to weather forecasts issued by the concerned authorities.

The Directorate stressed the need to adhere to the instructions to avoid incidents  resulting from high temperatures, heat exhaustion and sunstroke, stressing the need to adhere to the following:

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight at peak times, especially in the desert, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba

Drinking adequate amounts of fluids, especially water, and wearing light and loose clothing.

 Wearing protective head coverings and taking a break at noon, especially for people whose work requires staying under direct sunlight.

Keeping an eye to  children and not allowing them to play in the sun for long periods.

Not leaving children alone in vehicles, and not leaving sterilizers, perfumes, and similar flammable materials inside vehicles.

Do not overload electric plugs beyond their capacity by operating air conditioners, fans, etc… on one electric current source.

Not to set fires in forested and grassy areas to avoid fires

Do not hesitate to call the unified emergency number (911) if needed.