Public Security Director, Maj. Gen. Hussien AlHawatmeh, honored a number of non-commissioned officers who showed courage in the performance of their duty, and rescued three children in house fire.
Maj. Gene. AlHawatmeh said that the chivalry and masculinity is appreciated, expressing his pride in this group of public security men, officers and non-commissioned officers, for the sacrifice they made, reflecting the public security work by saving lives and providing a the help to everyone in need.
Maj. Gen. AlHawatmeh stressed that the dealing with this incident is only a simple example of the daily efforts made around the clock and presented by the public security personnel in all locations for the sake of the homeland and its security, which reflects their keenness to carry out their duties in the best manner.
He indicated that honoring the personnel for their distinguished efforts is a continuous approach to appreciating those efforts, an incentive towards more giving, and a motive for their colleagues to follow their example in their high keenness to perform the security and humanitarian duty.