26 / 6 / 2024 

The Director of Public Security, Major General Dr. AbeidAllah Maaitah, patronized today the celebration held by the Public Security Directorate on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse, which came this year under the title (Together and for the sake of the homeland, we fight drugs) in cooperation with the European Union and the German Foundation for International Cooperation.

Major General Al-Maaitah stated in his speech: The celebration of this day comes as an affirmation of our continuous efforts to stand in the face of drugs, and to remember the great efforts and sacrifices made by the loyalists in our homeland and the world as a whole to combat these deadly poisons.

Al-Maaitah indicated that the scourge of drugs is a global problem and phenomenon that all peoples and countries of the world suffer from, and it is a cross-border crime having no limits and does not distinguish between race, gender or color, which doubles the extent of the damage caused by it, and the negative effects resulting from it in various security, social and economic fields, stressing that the Royal directives continue to require continuous and diligent work in cooperation between all concerned parties to confront them.

The Director of Public Security added that the Directorate was keen to make every possible effort through a set of operational, awareness and therapeutic measures in accordance with well-studied plans, scientific and practical programs, which contributed significantly to reducing the effects of this scourge and confronting it, in continuous coordination with our armed forces, other security agencies, the Jordan Customs, and official and civil state institutions.

 For his part, the European Union Ambassador to the Kingdom, Pierre Christophe, stressed the European Union’s keenness to cooperate with all countries of the world to combat drugs, in conjunction with the increase in drug smuggling and related crimes witnessed in recent years, noting that combating drugs requires providing a security and control umbrella for border crossings, which the European Union is keen to implement with Jordan, through the partnership and cooperation with the Public Security Directorate, to enhance the technical capabilities of its personnel working at all border crossings, in a way that ensures the advancement of their performance in combating drug smuggling.

For his part, Siegfried Leffler, Head of Operations at the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), said: “The International Day for Drug Abuse is a real opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs and their negative effects on societies, and to ensure the strengthening and effective advancement of international cooperation in the field of combating them in all their forms.” Leffler indicated that Jordan is one of the leading countries working to combat drug trafficking, stressing the corporation’s keenness to maintain cooperation and coordination with the Public Security Directorate, and to support its efforts to enhance its organizational, technical and advisory capabilities in the field of combating drugs.

The celebration, which was attended by a number of strategic partners and senior officers, included a number of dialogue sessions and speeches given by specialists from various participating parties, addressing the role of community institutions, the family, places of worship, and the media in reducing the drug problem.