18 / 6 / 2024 

Public Security Directorate warns of the current weather conditions and the rise in temperatures witnessed in the Kingdom.

The Directorate stressed the need to follow a set of preventative actions  to avoid sunstroke and heat stress, especially during Eid Al-Adha days accompanied.

The following are the most important preventative actions to be followed:

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight to avoid the risk of sunstroke and heat stress, especially in the desert, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba.

Drinking of fluids, especially water, and wear light and loose clothing.

Do not leave sanitizers and lighters inside the vehicle during high temperatures because they contain flammable materials.

Do not leave children alone inside the vehicle and not allow them to play in daylight time , especially during peak hours.

Wear protective headgear and hats and take a break, especially for people whose work requires them to stay under direct sunlight for long periods.

Do not set fire to grass, especially in forested areas, and stay away from areas of dry grass where reptiles such as scorpions and snakes found.

Avoid overloading electrical sources by operating air conditioners, fans, etc. on a single electrical power source.

Do not hesitate to call the unified emergency phone number (911) if necessary.