Public Security Directorate called on the citizens to the need to take necessary actions during the current weather conditions and the expected rains in the Kingdom.

The Directorate called on drivers to be careful while driving during the rain, in order to avoid traffic accidents as a result of slips on the roads.

The Directorate also warned of the formation of torrents and the rise of water levels in valleys and low-lying areas, including Aqaba and the Dead Sea, stressing the need to stay away from the sides of valleys and places where torrential rains and water bodies form, and not to risk blocking the road, whether on foot or by vehicles, in the event of a high water level.

Public Security Directorate also warned of the formation of dust, especially in desert areas and highways.

The Directorate affirmed its operational readiness to deal with all communications received on the unified emergency number 911, calling for not hesitation to call when needed.