2 / 6 / 2024 

Public Security Directorate stressed the need to avoid sunstroke, heat stress, and fires, in light of today's high temperatures, which will continue to rise in the next two days, according to bulletins issued by the competent authorities.

The directorate said in a statement that it is ready to deal with any emergency and provide assistance with the entry of the hot and dry weather, calling for the need to avoid direct exposure to sunlight, especially in the Aqaba and Jordan Valley areas, to avoid the risk of sunstroke and heat stress.

PSD also called the public for drinking adequate amounts of fluids, especially water, and wearing light and loose clothing.

The directorate stressed the need not to leave children alone inside vehicles, and not to leave flammable materials inside vehicles such as sterilizers, gas cylinders, lighters, and perfumes.

The directorate explained the importance of wearing protective head coverings and hats and taking a break, especially for people whose work requires staying under direct sunlight for long periods.

PSD called for the necessity of monitoring children and not allowing them to play under the sun for long periods.


The directorate also called for not overloading electrical sources by operating air conditioners, fans, etc. on one electrical source

PSD called not to hesitate to call the unified emergency phone number 911 if necessary.