7 / 4 / 2024 

The Working hours on the King Hussein Bridge, effective from the date of (8/4/2024) during Eid Al-Fitr Holiday

Passengers departing and arriving on the King Hussein Bridge, the official working hours will be modified as of Monday, 8/4/2024, before and after Eid Al-Fitr, as follows:

Arab departures: days (8-9-10-14/4/2024) from (7:30 until 21:00) , onThursday 11/4/2024 The working hours is around the clock  until Friday 12/4/ 2024 and continues until 13:00 on the same day, on Saturday 4/13/2024 AD (from 7:30 until 15:00).

No changes to the working hours for (diplomats, VIPs, and Arab arrivals

Bridge traffic will return as usual on Monday, April 15, 2024, so that the bridge’s working hours will be from (7:30) to (18:00).

*Note: All passengers departing towards the West Bank must be at King Hussein Bridge one hour before closing time.

For inquiries, please contact the department: