Operations and control directorate
911 Connecting the facility to the emergency number
- Operations and control directorate.
- A request from the owner of the facility to the Procurement Department expressing his desire to connect the facility to the alarm system on the emergency number 911.
- A request from the owner of the facility to the Procurement Department expressing his desire to connect the facility to the alarm system on the emergency number 911.
- Sensory and field inspection of the facility by the Security Committee to examine the alarm devices and their specifications, according to the terms of the agreement.
- Writing a disclosure report by the Security Committee with recommendations and amendments, if any.
- Signing the agreement in the Procurement Department in case the recommendations and amendments are implemented and after the agreement between the two parties. The Directorate of Operations and Control begins receiving alerts on the emergency number 911 by the facility's automated response indicating the type of alert (theft, fire) so that a report is entered into the emergency system (CAD) to take the necessary action.
- In the event that a false warning is received on the emergency number 911, calculating the warnings and fines for the third warning will be started.
- In the event that the facility does not sign the agreement, the facility will be fined an amount of 100 dinars according to the instructions.
- in the event that the facility has programmed the device without an agreement , it will be referred to the administrative governor and the competent courts.
- Procurement department
- Response companies
Time expected
- After completion of all procedures.
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