Judicial executive department
SMS service for wanted persons and vehicles
- Being Wanted persons or vehicles.
- Addressing the Communications and Information Technology Department to provide us with the names of wanted persons and required vehicles on a monthly basis.
- The lists of people and the names of the required vehicle owners are sent to the cellular communication companies, in order to provide us with the effective cell phone numbers of the names concerned with the audit.
- The Communications and Information Technology Department is provided with lists of names and phone numbers for the purpose of adding a text message to the phone number of the requested person only.
- The statements are returned to us by the Communications and Information Technology Department, including the text of the message, the name of the person requested, and the phone number.
- The names are entered along with the text of the message and according to the phone number of each person requested on the bulksms.arabiacell.net program
Sending text messages according to the type of communication company (Zain - Orange - Umniah).
Time expected
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