Traffic Department
Obtaining an Accident Record for a Vehicle
- Information, studies and planning branch / traffic department in addition to the Irbed traffic section.
- This service is only provided to the citizen who owns the vehicles.
- Giving a recent registration number of the vehicle.
- The vehicle must be Jordanian.
- In the event that the requesting party is a court, an official or a civil body: an official letter is to be brought (on which the vehicle number is indicated).
- In the event that the citizen is the owner of the vehicle: he must submit a personal identification document, along with the vehicle's license.
- Delivering an official letter from the requesting authority to the concerned employee, o r presenting the vehicle's license by its owner in person.
- The employee checks the number of accidents for the required vehicle.
- Through the accident record system, the electronic form of record for the required vehicle accidents is printed.
- The transaction is delivered to the recipient of the service and stamped with the official seal
- (3) Dinars - Article (10) Clause (17) of Regulation No. (100) for the year 2015 with the exception of ministries, official and public departments, municipalities, joint services councils and educational institutions.
Time expected
- (5) minutes if the service recipient requests only one transaction with one vehicle.
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