Borders and Residence Department


Borders and residence department / Public security  directorate is the department responsible for organizing the leave and entry of all travelers ( Jordanians and foreigners) to / from the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. The department operates in line with residency Law # 24 1973, it has been followed to the assistant of public security director for judicial police.

The first foreigners  Law  was issued in 1927, when the foreigners affairs were followed to the Jordan armed forces headquarters.

In 1939, the connection with passports branch was cancelled , general passports were division being followed to the Ministry of interior.

In 1962, borders centers was no longer a part of Ministry of interior, it was connected to public security directorate / criminal investigation department.

In 1973, residency and foreigners affairs Law # 24 1973  was issued. The third Article stipulates the establishment of borders and residence deportment at Public Security Directorate. 

Among the duties of the Residence and Borders Department is to provide distinguished police and security services to service recipients (arrivals and departures), implement security plans for the security and protection of the border cossing, implement all circulars issued by the judicial and security authorities to wanted persons, and take the necessary measures against them,


Distinguished security and service Department in the field of residence and borders at the regional and international levels.

The message

Managing and protecting border centers and providing residency and border services to all travelers and residents through law enforcement and within a common integrated system of procedures and the use of modern technology in accordance with international best practices and in cooperation with partners.

   Core value

  • The rule of law
  • Transparency and integrity
  • Justice
  • respect human rights
  • work as one team
  • creativity and innovation

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