Cavarly Unit

  • The cavalry Unit was established since the formation of the first Jordanian government during the reign of King Abdullah I Ibn al-Hussein (may God rest his soul) in 1921.
  • During the year 1950, the first Knights School was established in the city of Zarqa (the camps). On June 24, 1978, a special cavalry school was re-formed, called the Knights Training School, and remained so until it was re-joined in 1982 to the Police Training School to be one of its departments.
  • On December 5, 2004, an independent unit was formed under the name of the Knights Command, followed to the Training Department.
  • On January 12, 2005, the command was moved to its current location (the Kho area of ​​the Zarqa camps) and was renamed to become the Knights Department, and it was disconnected   from the Training Department and followed to the Assistant Director of Public Security for Operations and Training.
  • On May 15, 2006, the department was renamed to become the Knights Group Command. On February 17, 2021, the cavalry Unit was merged under the umbrella of the public Security ceremony Group Command. Three companies are attached to this unit (the cavalry of Dibeen platoon, the cavalry of the Amman National Park platoon and the Petra cavalry platoon).