
  •      Supervising the affairs of military retirees and providing them with services according to the available resources.
  •     Continuing communication with military retirees of all ranks and keeping them in the department's attention and care to the maximum possible degree.
  •      Employing the experiences of military retirees to benefit from them in the training institutes of the Public Security Directorate and national institutions.
  •       Facilitating the procedures for completing the transactions of military retirees at the Public Security Directorate.
  •       Maintaining coordination with the economic and social institution for military retirees and veterans with regard to public security retirees.
  •       Facilitate enabling military retirees to participate in peacekeeping forces in accordance with the principles and standards set by the United Nations.
  •       Facilitate the provision of material support to injured retired soldiers and families of martyrs, according to regulations and instructions.
  •       Coordinating the process of involving and placing the children of retirees for educational scholarships granted by the internal and external public security agency in accordance with the specific instructions and in coordination with the competent departments.
  •       Providing possible facilities for investment projects initiated by retirees within the applicable laws and instructions.