Operational duties

  • Developing and issuing security plans, operational orders, and security instructions to carry out security duties, activities, and exercises of all kinds in the Kingdom by all public security units.
  • Maintaining the service of receiving emergency calls through the unified number (911) for the public and through the number (114) for deaf.
  • Follow-up the implementation of operations orders and instructions of security plans.
  • Coordinating between the authorities concerned with the field response and activating the concept of joint operations during the implementation of the various duties.
  • Preparing security reports, statistics and periodic studies of the most important events, communications, crimes and activities, visitor lists, weather conditions in the Kingdom, and any other activities, and providing them to the leaders and concerned authorities.
  • Opening and maintaining a crisis room to manage emergency and important events in the Kingdom when necessary (riots, terrorism, elections, weather conditions, sports matches) and any activities and events of a special nature, in coordination with military agencies and government institutions, each according to specialization.
  • Supervising the entry and storage of explosives and guarding them in the sites designated for them in the warehouses of the Phosphate Company mines, in coordination with the competent security agencies, and supervising blasting operations in the mining areas of the Phosphate Company in the mines (Al-Hasa, Al-Shidiyah) and under the supervision of the technical team (explosives monitors) of this department.
  • Forming committees to inspect ministries, government departments, institutions, embassies, ambassadors' homes, vital sites, and important foreign interests, and issuing orders and instructions to the concerned units to provide them with the necessary security.
  • Contribute to activating the security and traffic oversight and control on roads, jurisdictions and public places through systems, techniques and operational procedures.
  • Contribute to monitoring the performance of field units through systems, techniques and operational procedures to enhance the principle of transparency.
  • Activating and applying the security code system issued by the National Building Council in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, and supervising and following up with all relevant authorities.
  • Providing and processing the various requirements of digital map systems and their accessories for all concerned parties.
  • Providing the service of receiving television broadcasts from aircraft and television surveillance cameras to all concerned parties that are associated with operations and control systems.
  • Providing the requirements of the field units in terms of operational technical systems, keeping abreast of the developments obtained and benefiting from them.
  • Preparing and applying the annual training plan and activating it through preparing and reviewing curricula and holding training courses related to the operational and technical aspects of the operations and control system and to the various stakeholders.
  • Financial planning for the current budget in a way that ensures the sustainability of the operating system and the continuous development and modernization of its components.
  • Provide protection for official delegations and visitors of the Public Security Directorate throughout their visit.
  • Securing administrative transport buses during the movement of public security personnel, and protecting them while traveling in the governorates of the Kingdom.
  • Securing escort operations for dangerous and important materials in operational duties, ceremonies and celebrations.
  • Securing and guarding cash during the transfer from the Central Bank and all its branches spread throughout the Kingdom.