Purchasing methods 

Purchases of supplies shall be made by submitting a tending , and supplies may be purchased in one of the following two ways:


A - Offers will be listed in any of the following cases:

  • When there is an urgent need for supplies that is difficult to anticipate or predict and does not allow a tender to be purchased.
  • If there are no more than two sellers, producers or suppliers of these supplies.
  • If a sufficient or suitable number of bids are not submitted to the tender and the (Department concerned with procurement) is convinced that the necessity requires purchasing the supplies through the tender.

B- Direct purchase of supplies: by negotiating with their sellers, producers or suppliers in any of the following cases:


  • If the supplies are specified in prices by the official authorities.
  • If the supplies to meet an emergency situation do not allow to carry out the procedures of tendering or soliciting offers, with the approval of the Chief of Staff.
  • If supplies can only be obtained from one source.
  • If the supplies are spare parts, complementary parts, or tools that are not available from more than one source with the same degree of efficiency, based on a technical report from those with expertise.
  • Purchasing scientific materials such as films, manuscripts, and the like.
  • Purchasing services that include maintenance, repair, replacement or inspection work without the amount of work being known at the time of purchase.
  • If the tender has been submitted or offers have been solicited and it is not possible to obtain suitable offers through any of them or if the prices are not reasonable or when the full quantity of the supplies to be purchased is not obtained.
  • When there is a legal text or an international agreement, the supplies must be purchased directly.
  • If the supplies are from an institution of the armed forces or an entity affiliated with it.