:Publication Terms

The research submitted for publication in the journal of the Royal Police Academy is required to fulfill the following terms:

  1. The research must be authentic and meet the requirements of scientific research on the methodological and scientific principles that are common in the academic research writing.
  2. The research must be written in a sound language, fulfilling the terms of tuning, punctuation, and accuracy of the drawings and shapes - if found-
  3. The research must not be previously published or submitted to be published in any other entity. The researcher must submit a written acknowledgement (according to the form).
  4. The research submitted for publication is subject to refereeing according to the scientific principles.
  5. When the research is accepted for publication, the research intellectual property is transferred to the journal.
  6. The research or parts of it may not be published elsewhere after publication is confirmed in the Journal, except with a written consent from the editorial board, the Journal must be duly referred to.
  7. The Journal is not obliged to return the original research submitted, whether it is accepted or not.
  8. The journal has the right to publish the research on its website or other electronic or paper publishing vessels of the University after it is approved for publication.
  9. Email correspondence and submission of research is an acceptance by the researcher of the terms of publication in the journal. The editorial board has the right to priorities research dissemination.