Publication ethics and non-conflict of interests

Research specifications and regulations:

  1. The research should be in one of the disciplines covered by the Academy (criminology, security sciences, management, strategic planning).
  2. The research should include the following elements:

An introduction: It includes an introduction to the topic, the presentation of the substantial problem of the research, then the questions of the study, its objectives and/or hypotheses, its importance, determinants, research methodology, previous studies and research outline.

- and if the research is an applied field study

- mentioning the study procedures: including (research methodology, community and sample, study tools, procedural definitions of terms, authenticity and consistency of the tool and study procedures, and data analysis method).

-Then at the end of the research provides the most important findings and recommendations, and appends the research with a list of sources and references.


  1. Research should be subject to plagiarism percentage calculation to no greater than 20% similarity.
  2. No investigation of the manuscript shall be approved until after bringing two copies and one copy shall be only approved according to certain criteria.
  3. The name of the researcher or any reference to him should not be mentioned in the body of the research, except on the title page, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the refereeing process.
  4. On the first page immediately after the title, the researcher mentions his name in Arabic and English, his academic rank, the institution in which he/she works at, and his/ her e-mail.
  5. The research should contain a summary in Arabic with no more than (200) words, and includes the following elements: (the topic of the research, its objectives, methodology, the most important findings, the most important recommendations, and keywords (with care to edit them accurately, and another summary in English as above.
  6. The number of research pages, including summary, figures, tables and references, should not exceed thirty pages. (A4)


Submitting Research’s Mechanism and Receiving and refereeing Procedures:

  1. Research, studies and all attachments are sent to the journal's email.
  2. Send a soft copy of the research in (DOC+PDF) format.
  3. The researcher submits a written declaration according to the form, in which he pledges that the research submitted for publication is his, and has not been previously published or submitted for publication in any other periodical journal, and bears full legal responsibility in the event of amendment to the intellectual rights of others.
  4. The researcher attaches a briefed CV, including the researcher’s detailed address and phone numbers in order to facilitate communication with the researcher when necessary.
  5. The research is to be received with the previous attachments from the journal’s secretariat, then the research is numbered according to its receive. The researcher is notified of receiving his research.
  6. The research is initially examined to determine its compliance with publication specifications. If there is a need for amendment, the research is returned via email to the researcher to be amended according to the initial remarks within a week, then he sends the amended version, knowing that this examination does not necessarily mean that the research has been accepted for publication.
  7. The research is tested by special programs to calculate the plagiarism percentage, provided that not to exceed (20%).
  8. The research is then presented to the editorial board to determine its suitability for refereeing, and then nominate referees within no more than two weeks.
  9. Each research submitted for publication in the journal is reviewed by at least two referees, and the research is sent to a third referee, If the opinions of the arbitrators differ, upon the guidance of the editor-in-chief, after reviewing the remarks.
  10. After the refereeing process, the researcher is notified of the result of the refereeing to make the amendments if it is approved, or is notified of the disapproval of the research while maintaining not giving reasons.
  11. Approved research papers are returned amended according to what is in the referee's remarks on the journal's e-mail.
  12. Research must be reviewed in terms of linguistic, spelling and grammar before publication.
  13. In the event that the research is finally approved for publication, a notice is sent to the researcher (approving the research for publication)
  14. In the event that the research is published, the researcher is given a free soft copy of the journal in which his research was published.