1. preparing the training policy according to the training needs of professionals and technicians for the personnel  of the Public Security Units in general and the personnel  of the Maintenance Department in particular, and according to the actual need of the concerned unit and in a manner commensurate with the different professions operating in the Public Security Directorate.
  2. Raising the competence of engineers of different locations and specializations and developing their skills by involving them in specialized and other supportive courses to establish an exemplary environment from which the engineer starts on a strong and empowered basis.


  1. Raising the efficiency of technicians to ensure the level and efficiency of technical support for all vehicles , generators and weapons used in the Public Security Agency through:


  • Holding basic courses for professions in the maintenance department.


  • Holding refresher courses for various types of professions to raise the technical level effectively.


  • Holding advanced courses for technicians of various professions to raise their efficiency in the work they do.


  • Holding specialized courses for technicians who are attached to work in other departments.


  • Holding refresher courses for the militants working in the maintenance department to carry out their duties to the fullest.


  1. Training officers and professional personnel on all that is new in their field of specialization by involving them in external courses with civil institutions on modern vehicles and equipment in coordination with the Training Directorate.


  1. Preparing the training financial budget for the Technical Training Center and submitting it to the competent departments to be included in the general budget of the Public Security.


  1. Conducting occupational examinations to assess civilians and indicate the possibility of benefiting from them in preparation for their recruitment in the Public Security Agency, in coordination with the Personnel Affairs Department.


  1. Carrying out the necessary checks for the personnel of the Public Security Directorate in preparation for classifying them in specific required professions, according to their competence, and for the purpose of changing professions, in coordination with the Personnel Affairs Department.


  1. Preparing and developing the necessary curricula for training technicians of all specializations.


  1. Follow up all the technical courses held by the local companies and stipulated in the contracts for the purchase of various machinery and equipment in order to benefit the technicians as part-time lecturers and trainers to deliver lectures when needed. Holding specialized courses in the maintenance of light weapons and the application of various defense and security plans, according to the instructions of the Training Directorate.