Distinguished Government Service Award for the year 2019/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence..
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department / Tafileh Licensing Department won the Excellence in Government Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency at a one-star level in the year 2019

Distinguished Government Service Award for the year 2019/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence.
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department/Al-Balqa Licensing Department won the Distinguished Government Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency at a one-star level in 2019

Distinguished Government Service Award for the year 2019/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department/Zarqa Licensing Department won the Distinguished Government Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency at a two-star level in 2019

King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency (2018) / King Abdullah II Center for Excellence)
The Royal Department for Environment Protection
The Royal Department for Environment Protection ranked second in its category (service security institutions) and obtained the Seal of Excellence for the eighth session (2016-2017).

Transition to Electronic Service Award for the year 2018/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department won the Transformation to Electronic Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency, and won first place in 2018.

The Fourth season of the Distinguished Government Service Award for the Year (2015)
traffic department
The Traffic Department participated in the fourth season of the Distinguished Government Service Award from the King Abdullah II Center for Excellence for the year 2015, where it got one star

Distinguished Government Service Award for the year 2017/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department/North Amman Licensing Department won the Distinguished Government Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency at a two-star level in 2017.

King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency 2017/King Abdullah II Center for Excellence
Residence and Border department
The Residence and Borders Department won the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency for the year 2017, for the first place in the distinguished government service

Distinguished Government Service Award for the year 2017/ King Abdullah II Center for Excellence.
Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department
The Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department/Marca Licensing Department won the Distinguished Government Service Award during its participation in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency at a two-star level in 2017.

King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency for the year 2017
Operations and Control Directorate
Colonel Imad Reda Shoman won second level in the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency for the Distinguished Leadership/Supervisory Employee Category.

King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency in the eighth session 2016-2017
high way parols department
W.O. , Mohammed Al-Subaihi, won the award for the best support employee

The Fourth season of the Distinguished Government Service Award for the Year (2016)
traffic department
The Traffic Department participated in the fourth season of the Distinguished Government Service Award from the King Abdullah II Center for Excellence for the year 2016, where it got one star