The Hijazi Railway border center
The Hijazi Railway is the symbol which was connected to the history of Jordan since it was related to the great Arab Revolt in addition to the Hijazi railway buildings in Maan city where King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein – May God rest his soul – palace is located.
Pilgrims Caravans from Damascus to Madinah and Makkah took 40-50 days , pilgrims had so much dangers like robbery or natural catastrophes. All that pushed Sultan Abd Al Hameed to think of establishing Railway connecting Makkah and Madina to Damascus.
In 1900 , Sultan Abd Al Hameed lunched his message to all Muslims at that time to collect donations for establishing the railway.
The Jordan railway section of Hijazi railway was established during the period 1902-1905, after independence in 1948, the Hijazi railway was transferred to ministry of transportations – Hijazi railway Department.
On 1/4/1954, manager of passports was appointed and followed to the ministry of interior in 1959, the first division of public security directorate was established in 1973 , before borders and residence department came to life.