21/07/2023 05:02:00 م

Public Security Directorate mourns the martyrdom of two civil defense personnel  while they were on rescue duty in Karak

Today Public Security Directorate mourns the two civil defense personnel who were died during the rescue operation of two

18/07/2023 11:00:00 م

A notification  issued by the Traffic Department regarding maintenance  work on Umm Al-Qatteen Bridge / Naour Road

The Traffic Department notified that maintenance works  on the Umm Al-Qatteen Bridge, Naour - Dead Sea Road, which

18/07/2023 06:57:00 م

Public Security: arrest of a person who used the loudspeakers of a mosque in Al-Balqa Governorate to try cheating the answers to the high school examination

PSD spokesman said that the security force in charge of guarding a school where high school examinations  were being held

18/07/2023 08:59:00 ص

Civil Defense deals with a fire in an oil factory in Mafraq Governorate

PSD spokesman said that the specialized teams of the Civil Defense continued day and night until they were able to deal with

18/07/2023 08:53:00 ص

Arresting a juvenile who stole money from a grocery store owner after he assaulted him in Zarqa

PSD spokesman said that a report was received by the Zarqa Governorate Police Directorate yesterday that a grocery store

17/07/2023 04:54:00 م

The chairman of the Jordan-Independent Election Commission lectures at the Royal Police Academy

The chairman of the Independent Election Commission, Musa Al-Maaytah, met today at the Royal Police Academy with a

17/07/2023 03:34:00 م

Public Security Director meets the Director of the Palestinian Civil Defense

The Director of Public Security, Major General Dr. Abeidallah Maaitah, met in his office today the Director of the Palestinian

15/07/2023 05:07:00 م

A tourist of European nationality thanks Public Security Directorate

A tourist of European nationality thanked Public Security Directorate for the quick response to her assistance, as she had lost

14/07/2023 11:50:00 م

The Civil Defense extinguishes a fire of dry grass and forest trees in Ajloun Governorate

More than (100) vehicles of various operations participated in the fire suppression operations, in addition to three aircraft from

14/07/2023 02:47:00 م

Public Security: Parts of the sponge factory collapsed due to the fire.

PSD calls on not to get close to the burned building, which is being evaluated for its removal by the relevant committees of the concerned authorities